Have you ever had a time in your life where you felt like
you were in a rut of some sort and just needed to blow the sides off that rut
by skidding sideways through it to open it up wider?
I have been in a small rut for a few months and finally
recognized it the last couple weeks. It is easy for me to get caught up in
helping my friends and that is what has created this rut for me. I created the rut by moving backward and forwards in the same track, over and over. The three
friends in particular have all moved beyond what I was caught up in with them.
All three almost simultaneously. I was so invested in them and gave them so
much of my energy, that combined weight made for a good sized rut.
Normal reaction would be to do
something temporarily to give me a spurt of excitement like a vacation or a crazy weekend, but that isn't going to work this time. That would be like your car being stuck
in a rut and rocking it back and forth hoping to break out of it. Doesn't work
very well. You usually end up in the same spot with some momentary excitement
thinking you are breaking free. If you are not careful, sometimes you may even dig a hole inside that rut.
If your life is looked at as a book, the pages have to
progress the story to new chapters before the end of the book. Those pages
should be interesting and compel you to keep reading (living). My pages were becoming
the same words over and over with no progression. No new chapters. That is what a rut does.
I wasn't sure how I needed to break the sides of that rut down or to
get to the next chapter this time. What I have decided to do is to open myself up more to new experiences, things I have not previously considered, or just didn't take the time, to see what works to keep my story
interesting. That is the only plan. Maybe some of it will just be momentary bits of excitement but hopefully woven together those bits will make a good story. Not just A story but MY story and my story will not be plugging along in a rut.
The journey continues.
Have you ever found yourself in one of these ruts and be
willing to share what broke you free from it?